2023 Doctoral Academic Presentation I

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Academic unit or major
Career development courses
Tanaka Hidekazu  Yasuoka Koichi 
Class Format
Lecture / Exercise    (Livestream)
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Intensive ()  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
Access Index

Course description and aims

To conduct interdisciplinary research, it is essential to communicate with persons who are different specialists. Each attendee in this course will present own research theme with PowerPoint slides. Group discussion will be held for improvement of their presentation quality.

Student learning outcomes

Students will be able to do the followings by taking this course.
1) Explain their own research to people from other fields in a straightforward manner
2) Make easy-to-understand slides (PowerPoint) of their research
3) Use discussions to complement their presentation.


Power point slide, presentations, Q&A, comprehension skills, communicating skills.

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

During the intensive classes, students learn (1) Explanation in a straightforward manner, (2) Making easy-to-understand slides, and (3) Use of discussions to complement presentations. Students present on their research topics and get advice from the other students and instructors at each class. Therefore, the target size of the class is 10 students or less. The instructors explain the easy-to understand tips using power point slides, and share them with students. Students should complete the required learning after each class. Please prepare a short presentation for the next class.
All the students will receive the information on Zoom URLs, can download instructors' lecture materials, and can upload your reports through T2SCHOLA.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 June 16 (Friday) 13:45-15:25, Zoom Guidance, short self-introduction of the student, including the reason for attending the class, impressive presentation, and the presentation materials of Dr's K-meet. One PPT slide for self-introduction and a research presentation poster (PDF) previously made.
Class 2 June 23 (Friday) 13:45-15:25, 15:40-17:20, Zoom Self-introduction in 3 minutes with one PPT slide, mutual pointing out of the presentation, poster presentation experience, and the design of poster and explanatory materials. A research presentation material or poster (A4) and a few poor PPT slides previously made.
Class 3 June 30 (Friday) 13:45-15:25, 15:40-17:20, Zoom 5-minute research presentation using a single poster, self-assessment, and mutual pointing out of improvement points, improvement areas in the poor PPT, structure, and design of the PPT. Approximately 10 slides of PPT for explaining the research content within 10 minutes.
Class 4 July 7 (Friday) 13:45-15:25, 15:40-17:20, Zoom 10-minute presentation of research contents by PPT, Q&A, and mutual suggestions for improvement. Self-assessment of Presentation: increase presentation skills and areas for improvement.



Reference books, course materials, etc.

研究を視覚的に伝える,名古屋大学高等教育研究センター, https://www.cshe.nagoya-u.ac.jp/publications/file/infodesign_re.pdf
プレゼンテーションの教科書,脇山真治著,日経デザイン編, ISBN-10: 4822264963
Power Point スライドデザイン, 宮野公樹著, 化学同⼈, ISBN-10: 4759811753

Assessment criteria and methods

Students are evaluated based on presentation materials, PPT, presentation skills, and Q&A.
When a student is absent from a class, his/her grade point may be reduced.

Related courses

  • Doctoral Academic Presentation IIB, III, V
  • Doctoral Academic Literacy [A], [B], [C], [D]

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Each of doctoral students, who belongs to his/her doctoral course for less than six months, cannot register for this course.

Contact information (e-mail and phone)    Notice : Please replace from "[at]" to "@"(half-width character).


Office hours

Send an e-mail in advance to schedule an appointment.



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