2024 Method of Teaching Informatics I

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Academic unit or major
Teacher education courses
Matsuda Toshiki  Nomura Tairo 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
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Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
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Course description and aims

- Aims of this course are to understand the overall meanings of description about the compulsory subject area "Information Study" and vocational subject area "information" in the National Course of Studies for upper secondary schools, the critical viewpoints to make a year- and unit-plan of the former subject area, and the important viewpoints to formulate school curricula of the latter subject area.
- The general rules of the National Course of Studies are explained to promote student’s to understand the purpose and meaning of establishing “Information Study” as a compulsory subject area, and the points taken consideration when organizing the school curriculum. Then, constraints of the curriculum configuration of the vocational subject area “information” and the difference between “information Study” and “Information” are explained. After the mid-term achievement test, while focusing on “Information Study” and demonstrating example lessons of problem solving with utilizing informatical and systematical ways of viewing and thinking and emphasizing appropriate use of ICT, explanation and discussion of the critical points of instruction including choice of contents in “Information Study I” and “Information Study II” are performed.

Student learning outcomes

Students are required to achieve following objectives:
1) Can explain the roles and objectives that the compulsory subject area “Information Study” should achieve in the informatics education performed from elementary schools to upper secondary schools, and can explain its suitable method of instruction based on "the warp and the woof model" of problem solving while there are various methods.
2) Can explain the difference of the role, objectives, and method of instruction between compulsory subject area "Information Study" and vocational subject area "Information" corresponding to their difference of abilities required to cultivate.
3) Can explain the difference of objectives and contents between two subjects of compulsory subject area "Information Study," and can explain the relation among required units and the points of instructions when attaining the objectives of each subject gradually, while associating them with the internal knowledge in "the warp and the woof model" of problem solving.


Informatics education, ICT literacy, school curriculum, compulsory subjects, vocational subjects, informatical and systematical ways of viewing and thinking, warp and woof model of problem-solving

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

This course consists of two 7-hour lessons held at either beginning or end of summer vacation before starting “Method of Teaching Informatics II.” Students need to read Part 1 and Chapter 1 of Part 2 of the textbook (2) before starting the course.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Current Issues of Information Study Education, Guidance of Informatics Education in National Course of Studies Understand Part 1 and Chapter 1 of Part 2 of the textbook (2) and memorize their keywords
Class 2 Objectives and Contents of Information I & II, Achievement test 1 and Feedback Memorize keywords of objectives and Contents of “Information Study I & II”
Class 3 Contents of Information I & II, Methods of Instruction for Information I & II, End-term examination Report


(1) National Course of Studies for the Upper Secondary Schools. (In Japanese)
(2) Guidebook of National Course of Studies for the Upper Secondary Schools: Informatics. (In Japanese)

Reference books, course materials, etc.

・Materials linked in the http://www.et.hum.titech.ac.jp/~matsuda/informatics1.html
・Textbooks of Information Studies (In Japanese)
・Toshiki Matsuda, Atsuko Hoshino, and Kazuhiko Hatano (2013) Lesson Improvement with Learners: Instructional Design, Method of Instruction, and Educational Assessment. Gakubunsya (In Japanese)

Assessment criteria and methods

・Students will be assessed based on ratio of attendance, exercises in the classes, homework exercises, and mid-term and end-term examinations.
・Students who were absent lose their credit.

Related courses

  • Every fresher’s courses certified as “Information Studies” in the teacher promotion program (held in 1-2Q)

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

・Students are required to earn every credit for related courses shown above.
・Students are required to send an application e-mail that includes ID, name, and e-mail address to following contact address until required date announced by bulletin board and Web page of Teacher Promotion Program.・Students who have already taken a credit of a similar course cannot take this course.

Contact information (e-mail and phone)    Notice : Please replace from "[at]" to "@"(half-width character).


Office hours

Please send an e-mail for appointment.

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