2021 Japanese 1 GSEP

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Academic unit or major
Japanese language and culture courses
Komatsu Midori  Wakamatsu Fumie 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Tue5-6(W931)  Thr7-8(W931)  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
Access Index

Course description and aims

This course aims to learn Japanese expressions and language skills which are useful when you attend a lecture at a university. Specifically, students will be requested to write a short paper using data collected by themselves.

Student learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to acquire the basic skills of 1) writing a short report, 2) using useful Japanese idiomatic expressions, and 3) reading and using essential kanji characters in kun'yomi.


how to write a report, written style Japanese, kun'yomi kanji, idiomatic Japanese

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

After a brief explanation, pairs or groups of students will discuss the themes given in the classroom. Students will make a presentation about the discussion outcomes.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Orientation Collect some paper which you are interested in.
Class 2 Learn the style of paper. Find some useful expression to write a paper.
Class 3 Find your theme. Find your theme in which you can quickly collect data.
Class 4 Make a research question. Make a research question which you can answer with Yes or No.
Class 5 Collect data and express in figures and tables. Learn how to draw a figure/table and its caption.
Class 6 Write a paper. Learn what the stylistic elements of a paper are.
Class 7 Make a presentation, and Feedback. Consider the speech style of a scientific presentation. Consider what kinds of comments are useful for presenters.

Out-of-Class Study Time (Preparation and Review)

To enhance effective learning, students are encouraged to spend approximately 100 minutes preparing for class and another 100 minutes reviewing class content afterwards (including assignments) for each class.
They should do so by referring to textbooks and other course material.


Not specified.

Reference books, course materials, etc.

Not specified.

Assessment criteria and methods

Assessment will be conducted based on student's attendance, discussions, a final report or a presentation.

Related courses

  • LAJ.J102 : Japanese 2
  • LAJ.J103 : Japanese 3
  • LAJ.J104 : Japanese 4
  • LAJ.J201 : Japanese 5
  • LAJ.J202 : Japanese 6
  • LAJ.J203 : Japanese 7
  • LAJ.J204 : Japanese 8

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Only the first year international student can take this course.
On the first day of this course, we will have an orientation by student division.
You cannot miss it, or you cannot take this course.
Please visit the following website for more details. GSEP students do not need to register on the following webpage.


GSEP students must take a class indicated GSEP which will be charged by Prof. Komatsu.

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