2023 Academic Writing in English 15 2

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Academic unit or major
English language courses
De Ferranti Hugh Barry Ziani 
Class Format
Exercise    (Livestream)
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
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Course description and aims

All of the "Academic Writing in English" courses are designed to provide graduate students with strategies to improve their academic writings and write well-framed research articles. Objectives include learning from various journal articles, using appropriate vocabulary and expressions. The course will examine models presented in the textbook and scientific articles to help guide the writing process. Students will receive individual feedback from the instructor. In addition, students will participate in peer-critique to develop skills to become critical readers and to give constructive criticism to their colleagues.

As a graduate level course, Academic Writing in English 15 equips students with the necessary tools and analytical knowledge to write solid, well-informed journal articles.

Student learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to produce a short journal article on their research.


Reading, writing skills, written expression, interactive, critical thinking skills

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

Attendance is taken at each class. The textbook materials should be read in advance so that from class session 3 on, most in-class time can be devoted to peer-critique of drafts by class members, as well as feedback from the instructor on those drafts, which can be shared on screen for all to follow.
(Note: Assignments turned in late are penalized. Syllabus is subject to change based on the levels, needs, and actual number of students.)

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Introduction Writing exercise on your research Unit 1: How to Write an Introduction, pp. v-ix, 1-11 Identify course aims. Explain and apply grammar and writing skills for the Introduction (e.g., tense pairs, signalling language, passive/active).
Class 2 Unit 1: How to Write an Introduction, pp. 11-24 Bring or have a file of two research papers in your field for analysis Analyze structure and build a model for the Introduction.
Class 3 Unit 1: How to Write an Introduction, pp. 25-43 Evaluate and test models for the Introduction. Send a First Draft of the Introduction for your paper to the instructor.
Class 4 Unit 2: Writing about Methodology, pp. 44-59 Individual feedback and peer critique on Introduction assignment. Demonstrate knowledge of writing the Introduction. Critique peer's writing. Explain and apply grammar and writing skills for the Methodology (e.g., passives and tense pairs, use of "a" and "the," adverbs).
Class 5 Unit 2: Writing about Methodology, pp. 59-75 Analyze structure and build a model for the Methodology.
Class 6 Unit 2: Writing about Methodology, pp. 75-90 How to cite sources. Evaluate and test models for the Methodology. Send a First Draft of the Methodology section for your paper to the instructor.
Class 7 Feedback on Methodology assignment. Critique peers' writing drafts. Send final paper (revised full Introduction and Methodology texts with References ) to instructor after class.

Out-of-Class Study Time (Preparation and Review)

To enhance effective learning, students are encouraged to spend approximately 100 minutes preparing for class and another 100 minutes reviewing class content afterwards (including assignments) for each class.
They should do so by referring to textbooks and other course material.


Glasman-Deal, Hilary. 2010. Science Research Writing: For Non-Native Speakers of English. London: Imperial College Press. (ISBN-13: 978-1-84816-31-2)

Reference books, course materials, etc.

Additional reading materials may be assigned throughout the term.

Assessment criteria and methods

Class Participation, 30%
Homework (2 assignments x 35%), 70%
Compulsory Final Paper (Your final paper is a compilation of your revised homework assignments, reflecting corrections and changes suggested by the instructor. If you do not submit this paper, you will fail the class.)

Related courses

  • LAE.E464 : Academic Writing in English 16

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)



It is recommended that students take this course in sequence with LAE.E464 (Academic Writing in English 16).
Attendance at the first class is compulsory for students planning to take this course.

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