2023 Leadership Workshop 7

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Academic unit or major
Humanities and social science courses
Maruyama Takeo 
Class Format
Lecture    (Blended)
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
Access Index

Course description and aims

In today's rapidly changing society, leadership is becoming increasingly important. This is especially true in science and engineering, where creativity and innovation are required. Most science and engineering professionals work in diverse teams on research projects, and leadership is essential. In recent years, a view of leadership that leadership is not exercised by a few people with authority, but by everyone in their own way, has become mainstream. In this class, each student will explore his or her own leadership through group work, taking into account the findings of the latest leadership research, including supportive leadership, and summarize them in a final report. In addition, students will acquire communication skills such as presentation, facilitation, consensus building, and peer review, which are strongly linked to leadership, and aim to enhance their ability to collaborate, empathize, and engage in dialogue. In addition to being useful for job hunting, we hope that those who are considering an academic career will also use this course as an opportunity to acquire the skills necessary for future laboratory management and student guidance.
The aim is to acquire leadership skills to lead a team toward a goal while making the most of the abilities of fellow members.

Zoom will be used again this year. Since group work will be the main focus of the class, students must be able to connect from an environment where the camera and microphone can be turned on. Students are required to attend the first class to confirm the schedule and details.

Student learning outcomes

To understand various contemporary leadership styles, including supportive leadership.
To be able to practice effective leadership techniques through group work.


leadership, supportive leadership, facilitation, peer review, presentation, consensus building, group work

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

It is important to learn leadership from both knowledge and experience in a balanced manner. In addition to learning from the latest leadership research, group work is actively incorporated in this class.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Orientation, self-introduction, sharing views on leadership Group work experience, writing a short report
Class 2 Gather information from literature, consensus building group work Reading of literature and preparation for presentation, group work experience, writing a short report
Class 3 Introduction to leadership 1 (on demand) Watching videos on leadership, writing a short report
Class 4 Exchange of opinions on the videos, discussion of final report ideas Preparation of final report ideas, group work experience, writing a short report
Class 5 Introduction to Leadership 2 (on demand) Watching videos on leadership, writing a short report
Class 6 Exchange of opinions on the videos, discussion of final report outline Preparation of final project outline, group work experience, writing a short report
Class 7 Final report peer review Writing the first draft of final report, peer review experience, brushing up and submission of final report, writing a short report

Out-of-Class Study Time (Preparation and Review)

To enhance effective learning, students are encouraged to spend approximately 100 minutes preparing for class and another 100 minutes reviewing class content afterwards (including assignments) for each class. They should do so by referring to textbooks and other course material.



Reference books, course materials, etc.

To be distributed in class.

Assessment criteria and methods

Class participation (short reports, preparation, etc.) 10% each x 7 times
Final report: 30%
Participation in the 7th class is mandatory.
No substitute assignment will be given for absences (no points will be given for class participation). However, in the case of an absence due to attendance at a conference, etc., up to half of the class participation points will be given by submitting an alternative report. No credit will be given for more than two absences.

Related courses

  • LAH.C402 : Peer Review Practicum
  • LAH.C501 : Advanced Leadership Workshop

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

No previous knowledge or experience is required.

Contact information (e-mail and phone)    Notice : Please replace from "[at]" to "@"(half-width character).

Notice : Please replace from "[at]" to "@"(half-width character).

Office hours

Contact by e-mail in advance to schedule an appointment.


Zoom information will be announced on T2SCHOLA.
There will be 5 real-time sessions and 2 on-demand sessions out of the total of 7 sessions.
This class is for the GSA (Graduate Student Assistant) program. Students who earn credits for Leadership Workshop with a certain level of performance can take Peer Review Practicum and Advanced Leadership Workshop. After earning credits in Peer Review Practicum and Advanced Leadership Workshop with a certain level of performance, the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning will award a GSA certificate and allow the student to work as a GSA.

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