2023 Decision Making C

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Academic unit or major
Humanities and social science courses
Inohara Takehiro 
Class Format
Lecture    (Face-to-face)
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Mon3-4(WL2-301(W631))  Thr3-4(WL2-301(W631))  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
Access Index

Course description and aims

This course deals with basic concepts of theory of committees, which is a mathematical theory of group decision making situations, through lectures, discussion, and working on exercise problems. Specifically, this course takes up: “simple games,” “committees,” “desirability relations on coalitions,” “cores of committees,” “permissible ranges of decision makers,” “permission games,” “hopefulness relations on coalitions,” “stable coalitions and stable alternatives,” “postulated permissible ranges,” “regretless alternatives,” and “characterizations of cores of committees.”

This course aims to cultivate the students’ abilities to understand basic concepts of theory of committees, and also to convey them to others concisely.

Student learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1) State the definitions of basic concepts used in the mathematical theories of group decision making situations; and
2) State the analysis methods in the mathematical theories of group decision making situations.


simple games, committees, desirability relations on coalitions, cores of committees, permissible ranges of decision makers, permission games, hopefulness relations on coalitions, stable coalitions and stable alternatives, postulated permissible ranges, regretless alternatives, and characterizations of cores of committees

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

[Important notice]
If the number of registered students exceeds the capacity at the end of the course registration period, a lottery system will be used to determine which students are admitted.
The registered students will receive emails notifying whether or not such lottery took place.
If a lottery did take place, no additional student will be admitted to the course.

[Class flow]
One class deals with one basic concept.

First, a lecture on the definitions of basic concepts and analysis methods is presented. Then, the students examine the contents of the lecture, and work on exercises. After the class, each student writes and submits a “summary report” on what he/she learned through individual observation, other students’ ideas, the lecture, and exercises. Also, the students submit the answers to the exercises.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Guidance, Self introduction State at least three topics this course treats. Make at least three new friends in the class.
Class 2 Simple games State the definition of simple games.
Class 3 Committees State the definition of committees.
Class 4 Desirability relations on coalitions State the definition of desirability relations on coalitions.
Class 5 Cores of committees State the definition of cores of committees.
Class 6 Permissible ranges of decision makers and permission games State the definitions of permissible ranges of decision makers and permission games.
Class 7 Hopefulness relations on coalitions State the definition of hopefulness relations on coalitions.
Class 8 Stable coalitions and stable alternatives State the definitions of stable coalitions and stable alternatives.
Class 9 Group work on committees State what you have learned from the group work.
Class 10 Postulated permissible ranges State the definition of postulated permissible ranges.
Class 11 Regretless alternatives State the definition of regretless alternatives.
Class 12 A characterizations of cores of committees State the content and the meanings of a characterizations of cores of committees.
Class 13 Q&A about past lectures and exercises Ask questions on the content of the course and exercises.
Class 14 Summary of the entire course. Review what you learned in this course.

Out-of-Class Study Time (Preparation and Review)

To enhance effective learning, students are encouraged to spend approximately 100 minutes preparing for class and another 100 minutes reviewing class content afterwards (including assignments) for each class.
They should do so by referring to textbooks and other course material.


Takehiro Inohara, “Rationality and Flexibility,” Keiso-syobo, 2002 (in Japanese) (Sec. 1.2, Sec. 2.1, Sec. 7.1, Sec. 7.2, Sec. 8.1, Sec. 8.2, Sec. 8.3, Sec. 9.1, Sec. 9.2)(ISBN-10: 4326502223, ISBN-13: 978-4326502226)

Reference books, course materials, etc.

Takehiro Inohara, “Emotions and Perception,” Keiso-syobo, 2002 (in Japanese) (ISBN-10: 4326502231, ISBN-13: 978-4326502233).

Assessment criteria and methods

Assessment will be based on “summary reports” (brief summary of what you learned in each class)" (50% in total) and answers to exercises (50% in total.)
There will be no final exam.

There are no make-up assignments for any absence from classes, regardless of the reason.
Read the text book of this course to find out the content of the class you missed.

Related courses

  • LAH.T108 : Decision Making A
  • LAH.T208 : Decision Making B
  • LAH.T107 : Social Modeling A
  • LAH.T209 : Social Modeling B
  • LAH.T308 : Social Modeling C

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Prospective students should have interests in decision making problems.

Contact information (e-mail and phone)    Notice : Please replace from "[at]" to "@"(half-width character).

Prof. Takehiro Inohara, inostaff[at]shs.ens.titech.ac.jp

When inquiring by emails, include the course title "Decision Making C" in the subject, and your student ID and name in the body of the email.

Office hours

Make an appointment by email.


This course includes the content of science.

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