2023 Law (Constitutional Law) B

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Academic unit or major
Humanities and social science courses
Matsumura Yoshiaki 
Class Format
Lecture    (Face-to-face)
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Mon1-2(M-B104(H103))  Thr1-2(M-B104(H103))  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
Access Index

Course description and aims

This course explains the most fundamental and important matters of the constitution. Students of this course may learn the most fundamental and important subjects of the constitution. Those subjects contain the general remarks of the constitution such as “ What is the constitution? ” and constitutionalism, the basic points of the protection of constitutional rights, and the governmental system.
The aim of this course is for students to understand the most fundamental and important matters of the constitution.
This course qualifies as a "constitution" course required for teaching and other occupations.

Student learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain important concepts and questions of the general constitution theory, the theory of protection of constitutional rights , and the theory of the governmental system.
- Argue important questions of the general constitution theory, the theory of protection of constitutional rights , and the theory of the governmental system.
- Consider various real-world issues related to the general constitution theory, the theory of protection of constitutional rights , and the theory of the governmental system.


the constitution of japan, constitutionalism, protection of rights, judicial review

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

Face-to-face lesson

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Guidance of this course, Image of the law, and Study method of the law Understanding the outline of this course, what the law is, and the study method of the law
Class 2 Introduction of the law before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 3 What is the constitution?1: Constitutionalism before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 4 What is the constitution?2: Separation of powers, Obligation to respect and uphold the constitution, the system of judicial review before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 5 Respect for individual and principles in protection of constitutional rights 1: respect for individual, concept of human/constitutional rights, new rights, categorization of rights before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 6 Respect for individual and principles in protection of constitutional rights 2: Aplication of constitutional rights to private persons before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 7 Respect for individual and principles in protection of constitutional rights 3: Limitation of constitutional rights, subject of constitutional rights before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 8 Unenumerated rights and right to privacy before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 9 Equal protection before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 10 Freedom of speech before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 11 Social rights before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 12 Sovereignty of the people and parliamentary democracy before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 13 Pacifism before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues
Class 14 History of the constitutions of Japan and constitutional amendment before the class: reading of the materials and identifying the questions after the class: recalling of the class, reading of the reference books, reviewing of the knowledge, and studying of the issues

Out-of-Class Study Time (Preparation and Review)

To enhance effective learning, students are encouraged to spend approximately 100 minutes preparing for class and another 100 minutes reviewing class content afterwards (including assignments) for each class.
They should do so by referring to course materials.



Reference books, course materials, etc.

Reference books will be presented in class as needed.

Assessment criteria and methods

short tests(85%), report (15%)

Related courses

  • LAH.S101 : Law (Constitutional Law) A
  • LAH.S301 : Law (Constitutional Law) C

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)


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