2017 Graduate Project in Science, Technology and Society S3

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Academic unit or major
Graduate major in Social and Human Sciences
Academic Supervisor 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Seminar ()  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
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Course description and aims

Reading Seminar in the History of Science and Technology:

OUTLINE: Reviews recent literature in the history, philosophy, and broadly studies of science and technology and associated fields. We read and critique pieces of scholarship, selected mostly from journal articles, but not excluding books or book chapters. Participants take turns in perusing recent scholarship in journals or books, and freely selecting one piece for reviewing and discussion in the class

AIMS: To keep abreast of recent scholarship, research trends and topics
To encourage critical reading and thinking
To inspire innovative research and ideas

Student learning outcomes

Ability to read and think critically
Ability to conduct research with awareness of the trends in research and development and an international grasp of the field
Ability to explain concepts, develop arguments, and put them in writing
Ability to freely utilize specialist knowledge to conceptualize problems and provide creative ideas


history of science and technology literature, recent scholarship, academic journals perusal, discussion, presentation training

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

Reviewer (for each class) introduces concisely the pre-selected piece and offers a critique of it. Then, the class discusses and probes it in depth.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 2 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 3 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 4 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 5 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 6 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 7 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 8 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece
Class 9 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 10 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece
Class 11 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 12 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 13 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 14 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.
Class 15 To be announced by each reviewer or coordinator(a week in advance) Read the selected piece.



Reference books, course materials, etc.


Assessment criteria and methods

Evaluation will based on active participation and good efforts

Related courses

  • SHS.S682 : Graduate Project in Science, Technology and Society F3

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)


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