2019 Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry Laboratory I a/b

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Academic unit or major
Undergraduate major in Chemical Science and Engineering
Aoki Saiko  Okochi Mina  Ando Shinji  Kubouchi Masatoshi  Kawauchi Susumu  Shimoyama Yusuke  Taniguchi Izumi 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Thr5-8(W4-201, 301)  Fri5-8(W4-201, 301)  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
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Course description and aims

[Summary of the course] In this course, basic experimental operations in physical chemistry and analytical chemistry will be instructed for the sophomore students in Department of Chemical Science and Engineering. The following three themes in these fields are set: (1) “Basics of spectroscopy” for learning the principles and interpretation of representative spectroscopies, (2) “Thermodynamical treatment of solutions” for learning liquid-solid equilibrium and cryoscopy, and (3) “Phase separation” for learning the physical chemistry of aqueous amine solution and polymer solution. The lecture also covers how to write experimental reports.
[Aim of the course] To understand and acquire the basic concepts of physical chemistry, it is essential to perform experiments actually and to deeply consider the results obtained from the analysis of data. This course first covers fundamental operations and knowledge for physical and analytical chemistry along with how to write experimental reports. Following experiments of the three themes are designed to cultivate the practical skills of the students in measurements, analysis of data, and writing reports.

Student learning outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1) acquire the basic concepts of physical chemistry and analytical chemistry.
2) acquire basic techniques necessary for experiments in physical chemistry and analytical chemistry.
3) acquire how to write experimental reports.


(Basics of spectroscopy) spectroscopic methods, oscillation and rotational spectra, infrared spectra, atomic spectra, emission spectra
(Thermodynamical treatment of solutions) liquid-solid equilibria, freezing point measurement
(Phase separation) phase rule and phase diagram, phase separation, phase diagram

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

In this course, (1) details are explained and instructed in the first lecture. Then the students are divided into three groups to learn the following three experiments in turn: (2) Basics of Spectroscopic methods, (3) Thermodynamical treatment of solutions, and (4) Phase separation. In the last day, exercise problems and interpretation of the answers will be given to assess the students' level of understanding.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Guidance of experimental outline and fundamental operations Make plan for each experiment based on knowledges of experimental outline and fundamental operations.
Class 2 How to write experiment reports Write experimental reports in a standard style.
Class 3 Basics of spectroscopy I. Oscillation and rotational spectra of diatomic molecules Explain the relationship between a vibration-rotation spectrum of a diatomic molecule and its molecular structure.
Class 4 Basics of spectroscopy II. Measurements of infrared spectroscopy Measure vibration-rotation spectra of hydrogen halogenide and carbon oxide with infrared spectrophotometer and calculate their band distances and force constants.
Class 5 Basics of spectroscopy III. Atomic spectroscopy of hydrogen Explain the relationship between an emission spectrum of hydrogen and its quantum state.
Class 6 Basics of spectroscopy IV. Emission spectroscopy of hydrogen Determine the quantum state of hydrogen by measuring the emission spectrum of hydrogen with a hydrogen-discharge lamp.
Class 7 Themodynamical treatment of solutions I. Theory of liquid-solid equilibria Understand the theory of solid-liquid equilibrium using the thermodynamic relationship.
Class 8 Themodynamical treatment of solutions II. Measurements of freezing point of a pure solvent (cyclo-hexane) Explain the principle and procedure of the measurement of freezing point for pure solvents.
Class 9 Themodynamical treatment of solutions III. Analysis of experimental data of freezing points Determine freezing points for pure solvents and mixture systems by cooling curve data.
Class 10 Themodynamical treatment of solutions IV. Prediction of molecular mass of unknown samples by freezing-point depression Estimate unknown solute in solution from the experimental data of freezing point.
Class 11 Phase separation I. Gibbs' phase rule and phase diagram Explain the Gibbs phase rule and phase diagrams, especially, that of liquid-liquid binary system.
Class 12 Phase separation II. Measurement of phase separation of triethylamine/water system Evaluate the phase separation of triethylamine-water binary system.
Class 13 Phase separation III. Properties of polymer solution and phase equilibria Explain the properties of polymer solution and phase equilibrium, especially, that in the polymer-water system.
Class 14 Phase separation IV. Measurement of phase separation of polymer solutions Evaluate the phase separation of the poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-water binary system.
Class 15 Exercise problems to assess the students’ level of understanding and interpretation of the answers. Use the exercise problems to better understand the topics covered, and evaluate one’s own progress.


Textbook for the Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry Laboratory I 2016-2017 (in Japanese), edited by committee for the chemical engineering and industrial chemistry laboratory (Tokyo Institute of Technology, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering). This textbook will be distributed during the first class.

Reference books, course materials, etc.

P. Atkins, J. de Paula, "Physical Chemistry", 8th Ed., Oxford University Press; ISBN-13: 978-0716787594

Assessment criteria and methods

Students will be assessed on their ability of fundamental experimental skills and achievements of learning outcomes based on the equality of reports on three themes (83%) and examination (17%).
The instructor may fail a student if he/she repeatedly comes to class late or does not submit assignments too often.

Related courses

  • CAP.B202 : Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry Laboratory I b/a
  • CAP.B203 : Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry Laboratory II a/b
  • CAP.B204 : Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry Laboratory II b/a

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

This is the prerequisite course to take "Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry Laboratory I b/a".

Students must belong to Department of Chemical Science and Engineering or suffice the conditions given by the committee for the chemical engineering and industrial chemistry laboratory.

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