2018 Electrochemistry

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Academic unit or major
Undergraduate major in Chemical Science and Engineering
Kanno Ryoji  Arai Hajime  Kitamura Fusao  Hirayama Masaaki 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
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Course description and aims

[Summary of the course] In this course, we will deal with the basic handling of Nernst equilibrium and kinetic equations, and then explain the application in various fields such as development of new functional materials and high-performance batteries.
[Aim of the course] Electrochemistry implies specific chemical reactions accompanying the change in energy states between electrical energy and chemical energy. This technology has been applied in the development of a variety of devices, including batteries, capacitors and chemical sensors as well as in industrial electrolytic processes. In order to understand interfacial electrochemical phenomena that support the foundation of electrochemistry, it is indispensable to introduce equilibrium theory concepts based on thermodynamics, and to analyze the relationship between current and voltage based on reaction kinetics.

Student learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to understand the basis of the equilibrium theory and kinetic handling that are required to analyze electrochemical reactions, and discuss the quantitative relationship between chemical and electrical energy conversion at the interface. Furthermore students will become familiar with foundations of measuring methods serving for the analysis of interfacial reactions, and their application to the development of actual devices and materials.


basic knowledge concerning electrochemical reactions, materials for electrochemical devices, rechargeable batteries, fuel cells

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

Lectures will be given on individual topics. Towards the end of class, students are given exercise problems related to the lecture given that day to solve.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Introduction to electrochemistry,Electron conductors and ionic conductors Explain the concepts and applications of electrochemistry. Explain basic knowledge concerning electrochemical reactions
Class 2 Basics of thermodynamics for electrochemistry Describe electrochemical equilibrium based on thermodynamics treatment
Class 3 Thermodynamic treatment of electrode reactions Calculate standard electrode potentials with the Nernst equation
Class 4 Electrode kinetics, electrochemical measurements Explain the factors that determine electrode reaction rates
Class 5 Materials for electrochemical energy conversion/storage Explain the electrochemical devices from the point of view of material design
Class 6 Electrochemistry and materials for rechargeable batteries Explain reaction principle and material design of rechargeable batteries
Class 7 Electrochemistry and materials for fuel cells Explain reaction principle and material design of fuel cells
Class 8 Practice problems and interpretation for confirming the level of understanding Solve practice problems by understanding of the above all lectures.



Reference books, course materials, etc.

Electrochemical Science and Technology: Fundamentals and Applications(Wiley)

Assessment criteria and methods

Students' knowledge of crystal structure and its characterization, solid solution, and materials synthesis and their ability to apply them to problems will be assessed from reports (50%) and final exam (50%).

Related courses

  • CAP.C316 : Electrochemistry in energy systems
  • CAP.A275 : Inorganic Chemistry (Solid State Chemistry)

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)


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