2018 Polymer Physics II (Solid Structures)

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Academic unit or major
Undergraduate major in Chemical Science and Engineering
Ando Shinji 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
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Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
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Course description and aims

The basic structures (especially three-dimensional steric structures) of polymeric material in the solid state are classified as an amorphous solid (including oriented amorphous), a crystalline solid, and a liquid crystal, and the instructor introduces the characteristics of these structures. Then, the instructor explains the knowledge and information provided from experimental and analytical methods, such as diffractometry, vibration spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron microscopes, and microspectroscopy. Following that, the instructor will remark on structures of polymer surfaces and orientation amorphism as well as evaluation of degree orientation and crystallinity of polymer chains in solids, with some views from molecular science calculation. Finally, the instructor describes typical structures and phase transition phenomena of some typical crystalline polymers and block copolymers.
For the development of novel polymeric functional materials, a deep understanding of so-called "Structure-Property relationships" of solid polymers is essential. This course aims to provide the fundamental knowledge to understand "Structure-Property relationships" through the three-dimensional structures of polymers and their generation mechanisms.

Student learning outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1) understand the basics of hierarchic and higher-order structures of polymers in the solid state.
2) understand the details of various kinds of experimental and analytical methods that are used to analyze the structures of polymer solids.
3) acquire knowledge to understand the relationship between the structure and physical properties of polymeric materials.


Monomer structures (Structural isomerism, Stereoisomerism, Configuration), Second order structures (Conformational rotational isomer, Helix structure), Higher order structures (Crystal, Liquid crystal, Amorphous, Single crystal, Spherulites, Micro-phase separation, Crosslink structure, Surface and Interfacial structures)

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

1) At the beginning of each class, solutions to exercise problems assigned during the previous class are reviewed.
2) Towards the end of class, students are given exercise problems related to what is taught on that day to solve.
3) Before coming to class, students should read the course schedule and check what topics will be covered. Required learning should be completed outside of the classroom for preparation and review purposes.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Hierarchic structure of Polymer Solids, Higher Order Structures, and Molecular Motion Understand the Classification of Hierarchic Structures of Polymer Solids
Class 2 Structures of Polymer Solids and Crystallization Behaviors of Semi-crystalline Polymers Understand the Crystallization Behaviors of Semi-crystalline Polymers
Class 3 Experimental and Analytical Methods for Polymer Structures I. Diffraction Methods Understand Wide-angle X-ray Diffraction of Crystalline Polymers and Fibers
Class 4 Experimental and Analytical Methods for Polymer Structures II. Vibration Spectroscopy, Electron Micrograph, and Microspectroscopy + Mid-term Exam. Understand Spectral Analysis of Crystalline Polymers
Class 5 Experimental and Analytical Methods for Polymer Structures III. Surface Structures and Prediction of Polymer Structures by Theoretical Calculation Understand Thermal Properties of Amorphous Polymers
Class 6 Orientational Order and Degree of Crystallization of Polymer Chains Characteristic Structures and Morphologies in Polymer Solids Understand the Characteristic Structures and Morphologies in Polymer Solids
Class 7 Glass Transition of Amorphous Polymers and Physical Aging (Enthropy Relaxation) Understand the Glass Transition of Amorphous Polymers and Physical Aging
Class 8 Structures of Liquid Crystalline Polymers (Special Lecture) + Final Exam. Understand the Characteristic Structures and Phase Changes of Liquid Crystalline Polymers


Lecture Hand-out will be delivered via OCW-i system. 'Fundamental Polymer Science', Tokyo Kagaku Dojin is the major book of reference. Please study it by yourself according to the progress of the lecture.

Reference books, course materials, etc.

The Society of Polymer Science Japan Ed., 'Fundamental Polymer Science', Tokyo Kagaku Dojin; ISBN-13: 978-4807906352 .(Japanese)
The Society of Polymer Science Japan Ed., 'Exercise in Fundamental Polymer Science', Tokyo Kagaku Dojin; ISBN-13: 978-4807906352 .(Japanese)
H. Kitano et al. 'Chemistry of Polymers', Sankyo Publishing; ISBN-13: 978-4782705445 (Japanese)

Assessment criteria and methods

Students will be assessed on their understanding of lecture contents and their ability to apply them to solve problems.
Activities in class and Homework: 10%, Mid-term exam: 40%, Final exam: 50%

Related courses

  • CAP.P201 : Polymer Science
  • CAP.P221 : Polymer Physics I (Polymer Solutions)
  • CAP.P321 : Polymer Physics III (Rheology)
  • CAP.P322 : Polymer Physics IV (Physical Properties)

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Students must have successfully completed CAP.P201:Polymer Science & CAP.P221:Polymer Physics I (Polymer Solutions) or have equivalent knowledge.

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