2019 Seminar in Environmental Chemistry and Engineering X

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Academic unit or major
Environmental Chemistry and Engineering
Academic Supervisor 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Seminar ()  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
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Course description and aims

This course is designed to give students specialist knowledge and abilities with a focus on research assignments related to Environmental Chemistry and Engineering. During the abovementioned process, the students required to understand advanced specialty literatures and present their research plan and achievements at domestic and/or international conference. As a result, students improve their practical and problem-solving skills in the field of Environmental Chemistry and Engineering. Additionally, students acquire an ability to develop arguments logically, and improve their communication skills. The aims of this course also include that the students acquire advanced research abilities with conducting their research from international perspective. Training of leading researchers and engineers is also one of the aims of this course.

Student learning outcomes

By completing this course, students will improve their abilities acquired in their Master’s Course. Additionally, students will also acquire the following abilities:
1) Practical ability to independently create advanced research field and technology in chemistry and environmental science, and plan and promote a novel research
2) Ability to report their advanced research achievements internationally, and gain advanced knowledge
3) Ability to mentor other researchers and/or engineers based on the advanced knowledge and communicating skills in the field of chemistry and environmental science


Environmental Chemistry and Engineering, Laboratory-based education

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

Classes are held at the academic supervisor’s laboratory. The course schedule will be determined through discussion held among students and the academic supervisor. In some case, multiple laboratories may choose to hold classes jointly. Some laboratories might hold classes in English. Check with your academic supervisor. Students are required understanding of original papers, domestic and international advanced literature search, presentation training for domestic and/or international conference, and/or academic-paper writing.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 2 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 3 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 4 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 5 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 6 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 7 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 8 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 9 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 10 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 11 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 12 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 13 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 14 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.
Class 15 To be announced by each laboratory. To be announced by each laboratory.


Specified by the academic supervisor as necessary.

Reference books, course materials, etc.

Specified by the academic supervisor as necessary.

Assessment criteria and methods

Students are evaluated based on the student learning outcomes.

Related courses

  • Graduate major courses in Environmental Chemistry and Engineering

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Students must be a member of one of the laboratories in the Department of Environmental Chemistry and Engineering.

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