2018 Electronic Measurement

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Academic unit or major
Undergraduate major in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Nakamoto Takamichi  Okino Akitoshi 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Mon7-8(S222)  Thr7-8(S222)  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
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Course description and aims

This course focuses on measurements of various electrical quantities such as voltage, current, electrical power, resistance, impedance, frequency, phase, magnetic field etc.
Students in electrical and electronic fields should obtain fundamental knowledge related to electronic measurement indispensable for all experiments on electronics. The progress of measurement technique based upon digital technology is recently remarkable. Thus, students will learn the latest digital instruments for measurements so that they can measure physical quantities precisely using a computer.

Student learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to
1) deal with measurement error, significant digits, SI unit system.
2) deal with analog and digital quantities obtained from measurement instruments.
3) measure electrical quantities such as voltage, current, electrical power, resistance, impedance, frequency, phase and magnetic field etc.
4) measure waveshape of electrical signal.
5) develop a measurement system using an embedded sensor.


Measurement, signal, noise, analog, digital, voltage, current, electric power, impedance, oscilloscope, sensor

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

A projector or a blackboard is used every class. Sometimes, students are requested to use the free software that has been uploaded in the web site of our university. Moreover, students are requested to solve a simple math problem. Read the learning objectives of each class, and be sure to review the lecture sufficiently.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Basic of measurement (importance of measurement, index of instruments, errors, significant figure, dB, unit system, standard) Students shall understand basic of measurement such as importance of measurement, index of instruments, errors, significant figure, dB, unit system, standard.
Class 2 Noise (sort of noise, SN ratio and detection limit, noise figure, reduction of noise) Students shall understand noise such as sort of noise, SN ratio and detection limit, noise figure, reduction of noise.
Class 3 Method of using analog signal (Operational amplifier, internal resistance, filters) Students shall understand method of using analog signal such as operational amplifier, internal resistance, filters.
Class 4 Method of using digital data (binary system, hexadecimal notation, data encoding, data conversion, transmission method) Students shall understand method to deal with digital data such as binary system, hexadecimal notation, data encoding, data conversion, transmission method.
Class 5 Measurement of voltage and current (measurement of DC, effective value of AC, measurement of AC, digital multimeter) Students shall understand measurements of voltage and current such as measurement of DC, effective value of AC, measurement of AC, digital multimeter.
Class 6 Measurement of electric power (electric power measurement of DC/AC, power factor, electric power measurement of three-phase AC) Students shall understand measurement of electric power such as electric power measurement of DC/AC, power factor, electric power measurement of three-phase AC.
Class 7 Measurement of resistance and impedance (measurement of resistance using voltmeter and ammeter, DC/AC bridge) Students shall understand measurement of resistance and impedance such as Measurement of resistance using voltmeter and ammeter, DC/AC bridge.
Class 8 Confirmation of understanding of first half lecture Confirmation test and self assessment
Class 9 RF measurement (Impedance measurement, network analyzer, spectrum analyzer) Students shall derive differential equation of distributed constant circuit and understand standing wave ratio.
Class 10 Signal source (Function generator, Frequency synthesizer) Students shall understand principle of triangle wave generation using analog function generator and frequency synthesizer using PLL and DDS.
Class 11 Measurements of frequency and phase (Frequency counter, measurement of frequency and phase) Students shall understand frequency and time resolutions of frequency counter and derive Lissajous figure.
Class 12 Magnetic measurement (Measurements of magnetic field, magnetic flux and magnetic susceptibility, characteristic of magnetic material) Students shall understand hall effect, magnetoresistive effect and B-H curve.
Class 13 Waveshape measurement (analog and digital oscilloscopes, logic analyzer) Students shall understand analog and digital oscilloscopes and a probe. They shall understand posttrigger and pretrigger, equivalent sampling in a digital oscilloscope and trigger method to capture a single-shot phenomenon.
Class 14 Measurement by a sensor (Temperature sensor, Photosensor, Analogue to Digital Converter) Students shall understand principles of sensors to measure fundamental physical quantities and method to transfer data to a computer.
Class 15 Measurement using a computer and embedded system (I/O, microprocessor, FPGA, software for measurement) Students shall understand I/O control for microprocessor and FPGA.


Introduction of elctrical and electronic measurement, Takamichi Nakamoto, Jikkyo Shuppan, 2012 (ISBN:978-4-407-32576-8 C3055) (Japanese)

Reference books, course materials, etc.

Electrical and electronic measurements, Nobunori Ohura, Matsuo Sekine, Shoko-do, 1994 (ISBN4-7856-1165-0) (Japanese)
Sensor engineering, Toyosaka Moriizumi and Takamichi Nakamoto, Shoko-do, 1997 (ISBN4-7856-0107-8) (Japanese)

Assessment criteria and methods

Midterm and final examinations.

Related courses

  • EEE.E211 : Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
  • EEE.C311 : Advanced Electronic Circuits

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Students must have successfully completed both Electric Circuits I (EEE. C201), Electric Circuits II (EEE. C202), and Electricity and Magnetism I (EEE. E201) or have equivalent knowledge.

Contact information (e-mail and phone)    Notice : Please replace from "[at]" to "@"(half-width character).

Akitoshi Okino, okino.a.aa[at]m.titech.ac.jp, Ex. 5688
Takamichi Nakamoto, nakamoto.t.ab[at]m.titech.ac.jp, Ex.5017

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