2018 Topics in Digital VLSI Design

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School of Engineering
Wimer Shmuel 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
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Syllabus updated
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Course description and aims

The objective of this course is to unify high-performance and low-energy design methodologies, techniques and algorithms that are essential for modern Nano-scale VLSI design. The course will focus the main design factors such as interconnects, clocking, arithmetic circuits and memories.

Student learning outcomes

The outcome of this course is in an understanding and acquisition of analysis knowledge for designing modern digital VLSI circuits and systems. The student will be able to transform an “abstract” design goal into concrete hardware solution that meets given specification, and make the optimal tradeoff between the various design factors such as performance, power, area, cost and time-to-market.


CMOS, Interconnect, Signal propagation, Adders, Multipliers, Memories, Clocking, and Low-power design

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

Materials are taken for a variety of sources. Every lecture will point to relevant sources.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 CMOS overview static, dynamic and pass-gate CMOS, back-of-the-envelope calculations, logic effort.
Class 2 Interconnect design capacitance, resistance, inductance, noise interference, repeaters, and process technology trends.
Class 3 Signal propagation analysis lumped and distributed models, closed form solutions, Elmore delay, and Penfield-Rubinstein algorithm.
Class 4 Adders design carry-lookahead adders, tree adders, multi-operand adders.
Class 5 Multipliers design parallel and sequential multipliers, high-radix multipliers, tree and array multiplication, pipelining, low-power implementations.
Class 6 Memories design SRAM, DRAM, eDRAM, new technologies.
Class 7 Clocking clock generation, PLL, DLL, clock distribution, clock gating.
Class 8 Low-power design signal encoding, power gating, dynamic voltage scaling.



Reference books, course materials, etc.

All lectures slides will be available on-line.

Assessment criteria and methods

Learning achievement is evaluated by the quality of the written reports, exercise problems, and etc.

Related courses

  • XEG.S404 : Graph Theory with Engineering Application
  • XEG.S605 : Advanced Topics in Digital VLSI Design

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

A basic knowledge of VLSI CMOS knowledge is assumed.

Contact information (e-mail and phone)    Notice : Please replace from "[at]" to "@"(half-width character).

atsushi [at] ict.e.titech.ac.jp

Office hours

Contact by e-mail in advance to schedule an appointment

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