2023 Advanced Particle Physics

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Academic unit or major
Graduate major in Physics
Jinnouchi Osamu 
Class Format
Lecture    (Face-to-face)
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Mon1-2(M-B107(H104))  Thr1-2(M-B107(H104))  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
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Course description and aims

Following the undergraduate course Particle Physics, students will acquire more advanced details of the standard model for representing the system and interaction of particles, based on historical experimental facts. Particle physics has developed with advances in Lagrange representations from theory and particle measurements from experiments. The instructor will also introduce original articles that let students experience the intertwining of theoretical predictions and experimental discoveries.

The purpose of this course is for students to grasp the theoretical background, while using diagrams of measurement results actually obtained from various experiments on measurement equipment, to aid understanding.

The lecture is given in English. T2SCHOLA will be used during the class, so bring your own device such as smartphone, PC, etc.

Student learning outcomes

During the course, the Standard Model of the particle physics is explained with the historical discoveries/measurements. A practical and advanced knowledge of the detectors used in the high energy physics will be obtained. A general knowledge for the varieties of topics from low energy to high energy particle physics will be obtained.


elementary particles, the Standard Model, electrons, muons, neutrinos, quarks, leptons, Higgs boson, collider, particle tracker, momentum measurements, energy measurements, the physics beyond the standard model

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

Will use the projector to show the slides throughout the lecture. Occasionally, the group discussions may take place.
Depending on the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the lecture might turn into online using Zoom.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Introduction : the recapitulation of the Standard Model solve the basic exercise related to the 4-vector momentum calculations.
Class 2 meson and baryon, statistics in particle physics solve the problem related to the basic statistics.
Class 3 CP violation in K physics describe the elementary processes with Feynman diagrams.
Class 4 CP violation in B physics solve the problem related to Compton scatterings.
Class 5 The unification theory of the Electro-Weak forces (history/theory) calculate the branching ratio in Z decay.
Class 6 The unification theory of the Electro-Weak forces (experiment) confirm that the photons are massless in EW forces.
Class 7 Higgs : mechanism, discovery, characteristics draw the Feynman diagrams relate to Higgs.
Class 8 physics related to strong force debate about the 8 types gluons and the one colorless type gluon.
Class 9 physics about QCD jets calculate the rapidity and pseudo rapidity of the particles and understand the difference.
Class 10 the neutrino oscillation, and the neutrino mass calculate the actual distance in the neutrino experiments.
Class 11 the neutrino experiment, present & future calculate the interaction rate of neutrinos.
Class 12 the unification theory and supersymmetry calculate the proton decay lifetime.
Class 13 dark matter searches calculate the tau decay lifetimes, confirmation of the lepton universality.
Class 14 The latest topics in the high energy physics learn the most recent topics on the high energy physics.

Out-of-Class Study Time (Preparation and Review)

To enhance effective learning, students are encouraged to spend approximately 100 minutes preparing for class and another 100 minutes reviewing class content afterwards (including assignments) for each class.
They should do so by referring to textbooks and other course material.


Lecture note (PDF) will be provided at each lecture.

Reference books, course materials, etc.

"Modern particle physics" Masahiro Kuze, et al. (Morikita-shuppan)

"Introduction to elementary particle physics" Yasushi Watanabe (Baihu-kan)

"Particle Physics 4th edition" B.R.Martin & G.Shaw (Wiley)

"Introduction to High Energy Physics 4th edition" D.H.Perkins (Cambridge)

Assessment criteria and methods

based on the final report, and active participation to the class.

Related courses

  • PHY.F351 : Elementary Particles
  • PHY.F350 : Nuclear Physics
  • PHY.F430 : Hadron Physics
  • PHY.F437 : Advanced Nuclear Physics
  • PHY.Q433 : Field Theory I
  • PHY.F431 : Cosmology
  • PHY.F432 : Astrophysics

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

It is desirable to have taken the class 'Elementary Particles'

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