2020 Graduate Research Seminars in Mathematics S1

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Academic unit or major
Graduate major in Mathematics
Academic Supervisor 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Seminar ()  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
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Course description and aims

This seminar is for performing training necessary for conducting research. The research subject is decided in consultation with your academic supervisor. By carefully reading the textbook and articles, students will gain a strong understanding of mathematical content related to their research subject. Students are expected to present and explain what they learn in front of their classmates in the seminar. Students are also expected to discuss approaches to unsolved problems and gain a foothold for solving them. Students will learn how basic mathematical knowledge learned in lectures and exercises as well as theory acquired through seminar learning are applied to specific problems. Students are also expected to learn how to read and collect literature, and to examine a problem from various angles. Students will also organize the theory learned and new insights gained in the seminar into a master's thesis. Students should take "Graduate Research Seminars in Mathematics" simultaneously.

This seminar is a core part of the education system in research labs offered at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. By taking this seminar, students can learn about the research topic from the field they chose in a practical way. By deeply studying topics that are currently the subject of intense research, students are expected to find their own research topic and gain a foothold for solving them.

Student learning outcomes

1. Understand important mathematical theories and problems, and judge their influence on science
2. Apply general theories of pure mathematics to solve problems related to a specific field
3. Understand significant mathematical problems, and attempt to solve them
4. Be able to explain mathematical concepts logically, discuss them, and produce quality scientific writing


Comprehensive understanding of specific mathematical theory and application to concrete problems, Literature search, Ability to explain mathematical concept logically, research theme, problem-solving

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

Hold in seminar format under guidance of academic supervisor. Course plan is decided in consultation with instructor.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Guidance from academic supervisor on progress of master's thesis research - Debate direction of research - Decide research topics and basic literature - Carefully read basic literature - Give presentation to seminar members - Survey of literature related to research problem - Perform research - Write master's thesis - Create presentation materials, guidance on presentation from academic supervisor - Master's thesis presentation meeting Follow instructions from your academic advisor


not specified

Reference books, course materials, etc.

not specified

Assessment criteria and methods

The academic supervisor will evaluate students based on understanding and presentation of the set topic, the main findings of the master's thesis, and the quality of master's thesis.

Related courses

  • MTH.Z491 : Graduate Seminars in Mathematics S1

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Students are requested to take Graduate Research Seminars in Mathematics S1 (MTH.Z491) simultaneously

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