2017 Fluid Engineering

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Academic unit or major
Undergraduate major in Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering
Takahashi Minoru  Nadaoka Kazuo  Yoshikawa Kunio  Kinouchi Tsuyoshi  Takagi Hiroshi  Akita Daisuke  Nakamura Takashi  Inaba Kazuaki  Kondo Masatoshi  Andrews Eden Mariquit 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Mon3-4(S513)  Thr3-4(S513)  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
Access Index

Course description and aims

This course focuses on fluid motion, theories of which need to be extended from the mathematical expressions founded on solid-state physics. Through this series of lectures and exercises, students will learn the most fundamental and important mathematical or experimental expressions in the field of fluid dynamics, including equations of motion for fluids and their derivations, definitions of laminar and turbulent flows, and practical formulas for pipelines or open channels. The present course is comprised of 3 parts in order to effectively include all the essences in a single course of lectures. It begins with Part 1 (the 1st to 6th class) which teaches theories of perfect fluids, followed by Part 2 (7th to 11th) covering theories for viscous fluid and Part 3 (12th to 15th) dealing with practical fluid problems and their solution using the formulas derived.

Student learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to understand:
1) Dynamics, force and energy of fluids and their expressions in physics
2) Distinctive properties of fluids such as compressivity and viscosity
3) Regimes in fluids, laminar and turbulent flows, and their theories and experimental expressions
4) Fluid motions in pipe or open channels and their theories and experimental expressions


perfect fluid, viscous fluid, laminar flow, turbulent flow, equation of continuity, Euler equations of motion, Navier-Stokes equations, Bernoulli's principle, pipe flow

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

Towards the end of class, students are given exercise problems to solve related to the lecture given that day. To prepare for classes, students should read the course schedule section and check what topics will be covered. Required learning should be completed outside of the classroom for preparation and review purposes.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Engineering applications of fluid dynamics, various properties of fluids Fluid properties such as compressibity and viscosity, hydrostatic pressure
Class 2 Equation of continuity, Euler equations of motion Formularisations of motions in perfect fluids
Class 3 Potential flow Ideas and formularisations of potential flow, application of conformal mapping to fluid problems
Class 4 Bernoulli's principle Derivation of Bernoulli's principle, application to apparatuses such as pitot tube, Venturi tube, and siphon
Class 5 Potential flow and Bernoulli's principle Derivation of a water wave theory, as an application of fluid dynamics for perfect flow
Class 6 Test level of understanding with exercise problems - Solve exercise problems covering the contents of classes 1–5. Test level of understanding and self-evaluate achievement for classes 1–5.
Class 7 Conservation of mass and energy (review), conservation of momentum Conservation law in fluid dynamics
Class 8 Viscosity, Reynolds number, Navier-Stokes equations Concept of viscosity, formularisations of viscous flow
Class 9 Boundary layer, laminar flow, turbulent flow Characteristics of boundary layer, concept of laminar and turbulent flow
Class 10 Fluid force on a body Relation between flow field around a body and force on the body
Class 11 Test level of understanding with exercise problems - Solve exercise problems covering the contents of classes 7–10. Test level of understanding and self-evaluate achievement for classes 7–10.
Class 12 Pipe flow and parallel plate flow Formularisations of pipe flow and parallel plate flow, understanding of friction loss
Class 13 Nonuniform flow Understanding of energy loss for nonuniform flow
Class 14 Thermal fluid Formularisations of thermal flow, understanding of two phase flow and heat transfer
Class 15 Test level of understanding with exercise problems - Solve exercise problems covering the contents of classes 12–14. Test level of understanding and self-evaluate achievement for classes 12–14.


A mandatory textbook is not designated. A handout will be given at each class.

Reference books, course materials, etc.

The following textbooks are recommended, though not necessarily limited.
森川敬信ら 『新版流れ学』 朝倉書店, ISBN: 978-4-254-23077-2 (in Japanese)
日野幹雄『明解水理学』丸善,ISBN: 4-621-02778-6 (in Japanese)
秋本 肇ら 『原子力熱流動工学 (原子力教科書)』オーム社, ISBN: 978-4-274-20679-5 (in Japanese)
R. Byron Bird et al. "Transport Phenomena", Wiley, ISBN: 978-0470115398

Assessment criteria and methods

Students' knowledge of mathematical or experimental expressions in fluid dynamics, and their ability to apply them to problems will be assessed.
Final exam 70%, exercise problems 30%.

Related courses

  • TSE.M201 : Ordinary Differential Equations and Physical Phenomena
  • TSE.M203 : Theory of Linear System
  • TSE.A202 : Solid Mechanics and Structure Engineering

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Students must have successfully completed "Ordinary Differential Equations and Physical Phenomena","Theory of Linear System","Solid Mechanics and Structure Engineering" or have equivalent knowledge.

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