2017 History of Civil Engineering and Engineering Ethics

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Academic unit or major
Undergraduate major in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Asakura Yasuo  Kitazume Masaki  Sanada Junko 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Tue3-4(M113)  Fri3-4(M113)  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
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Course description and aims

The lectures on civil engineering history focus on the history and development of civil engineering technologies. Civil engineering ethics presents how engineering ethics should be studied in civil and environmental engineering by using actual examples and case studies.
As well as understanding the history and social characteristics of the regions concerned, engineering ethics is fundamental for those who study civil and environmental engineering. The aim of this course is for students to obtain knowledge of how infrastructure systems have developed in human history, and to cultivate engineering ethics for those who work in the field of civil and environmental engineering.

Student learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1) Understand the various aspects of the relationship between human history and civil engineering.
2) Understand and explain the relationship between social development and infrastructure from ancient days to the Meiji era.
3) Explain civil and environmental engineering and related technologies which have improved quality of life in the modern age.
4) Understand that a professional engineer should have duties and responsibilities to society.


Civil engineering technology, infrastructure, engineering ethics

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

This course is mainly composed of lectures.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Outline of civil engineering history Understanding the development of civil engineering technology in the ancient era
Class 2 Civil engineering history from the Kamakura to Edo era. Understanding the development of civil engineering technology from the Kamakura to Edo era
Class 3 Industrial Revolution, Civil engineering history of the Meiji and Taisho era Understanding the industrial revolution, the development of civil engineering technology from the Meiji to Taisho era
Class 4 Civil engineering history after WW II, and Civil engineering legal history and development of ground improvement technology Understanding the development of civil engineering technology after WW II and civil engineering legal history and the ground improvement technologies
Class 5 How to research of civil engineering history Understanding why and how to study history
Class 6 History of materials Understanding how to use researches of civil engineering history
Class 7 Value of history in heritages of civil engineering Understanding the value of researches of civil engineering history
Class 8 Disaster prevention measures in civil engineering history Understanding of the history of disaster prevention measures
Class 9 Midterm exam and explanation Midterm exam and explanation
Class 10 Introduction to civil engineering ethics Understanding why professional ethics is essential in science and technology
Class 11 General process for problem identification & solution Understanding general process for engineering ethics
Class 12 Ethics for student as a researcher Understanding the ethics in research and development
Class 13 Ethics code for Titech students Exercise for development ethics code for Titech students
Class 14 Presentation and discussion on ethics code Workshop style presentation and discussion on the ethics code
Class 15 Final exam and explanation Final exam and explanation


Handouts will be provided

Reference books, course materials, etc.

H. Takahashi: Recent Civil engineering history in Japan
Japan Civil Engineers Association

Assessment criteria and methods

Report on civil engineering history (15%), examination on civil engineering history (35%), presentation on civil engineers' ethics (10%) and examination (40%)

Related courses

  • CVE.C201 : Soil Mechanics I
  • CVE.C202 : Soil Mechanics II
  • CVE.C310 : Foundation Engineering
  • CVE.N310 : Special Lectures on Infrastructure and Environment

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

nothing in particular

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