2024 Architectural Design and Drawing II

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Academic unit or major
Undergraduate major in Architecture and Building Engineering
Osaragi Toshihiro  Fujii Haruyuki  Nasu Satoshi  Shiozaki Taishin  Oki Takuya  Kahlon Yuval  Naganuma Toru 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
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Course description and aims

This course is a design studio to learn basic skills for architectural design and drawing for reinforced concrete structure and steel structure buildings.
The first assignment is to trace drawings of a remarkable buildings for an exercise. The second assignment is to design a middle-size office building or a library at the urban context in Tokyo.

Student learning outcomes

The goals of this course are as follows:
1) To learn precise drawing representation skills through trace assignments.
2) To learn methods for analyzing and gaining an understanding of past exceptional works from an architecture standpoint through short assignments.
3) To gain a precise understanding of given conditions through design assignments, and learn approaches for connecting them to spatial representations, as well as to learn skills for adequately explaining design intent with words through a presentation.


architectural design and drawing, reinforced concrete structure, steel structure, office building, library, public building

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

The instructions for the assignment are given at the beginning of each class, and professors and teaching assistants give advice to students whenever needed during class.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 guidance, instruction of drawing tools and textbook, announcement of assignments Introduction for the first assignment
Class 2 assignment 1-1; rough drawing in pencil Tracing drawings.
Class 3 assignment 1-2; rough drawing in pencil Tracing drawings.
Class 4 assignment 1-2; rough drawing in pencil Tracing drawings.
Class 5 assignment 1-2; fair drawing in ink Tracing drawings.
Class 6 assignment 1-3; sketch drawing Making a rough sketch on tracing paper.
Class 7 assignment 1-3; drawing and modeling To make a concept, drawings and model.
Class 8 assignment 2; esquisse 1; research and analyze of a building site. To make a site model by group. Introduction for the second assignment
Class 9 assignment 2; esquisse 1; research and analyze of a building site. make a site model. To design Site Plans, Plans.
Class 10 assignment 2; esquisse 3; study of section and structure of the building. To design Structure and Building environment.
Class 11 assignment 2; mid-term presentation. Presentation on a basic concept
Class 12 assignment 2; drawing 1; rough drawing of the project Esquisse check
Class 13 assignment 2; drawing 2; fair drawing of the project The final drawings are expected to be sharp and strong.
Class 14 assignment 2; drawing 3; fair drawing of the project and preparation of final presentation. The final drawings are expected to be sharp and strong.
Class 15 assignment 2; final presentation and critic. Final presentation on the second assignment

Out-of-Class Study Time (Preparation and Review)

To enhance effective learning, students are encouraged to spend approximately 50 minutes preparing for class and another 50 minutes reviewing class content afterwards (including assignments) for each class.
They should do so by referring to textbooks and other course material.


Materials used in class will be provided.

Reference books, course materials, etc.

Reference texts are published in Japanese.

Assessment criteria and methods

A sharp and strong drawing based on precise understanding of the building is excellent on the first assignment.
On design project, students are expected to develop their ideas continuously and express it by drawings and oral presentation.
The evaluation of the students in this course is based on a total score of all the assignments.

Related courses

  • ARC.P203 : Exercise in Architectural Planning
  • ARC.P201 : Introduction to Architectural Planning
  • LAS.D113 : Descriptive Geometry and Drawing
  • ARC.A201 : Architectural Design and Drawing I
  • ARC.A203 : Building Construction and Detail

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Students of Department of Architecture and Building Engineering have priority. Credit of Architectuctural Design and Drawing 1 is required.



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