2017 Ceramics Laboratory I

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Academic unit or major
Undergraduate major in Materials Science and Engineering
Yano Tetsuji 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Mon5-8(S7-204,209)  Thr5-8(S7-204,209)  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Language used
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Course description and aims

This experiment course intends to learn about the processing and evaluation of properties of environmental and sensitivity ceramics materials deeply correlated with human life. After the fundamental experiments to get the knowledge on the concepts of these materials in their usage and experimental techniques, the students make the plan for the advanced experiments and carry out. Through the organization of experimental data and summarization, the students show them in the presentation, and discuss about the science and technology about these ceramics. In addition, the student can have the lectures on the safety in the experiment, skills on the presentation, computer operations, and analysis procedures of data.

Student learning outcomes

This course aims to master the fundamentals on originality, important issues, planning ability, executive ability, and ability of expression.


environmental ceramics sensitivity materials glass glaze color

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

All the experimental works will be done by group.

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Lecture on the experiment and its procedure of exvironmental and sensitivity materials Learn about the fundalmentals on environmental sensitivity materials
Class 2 Lectures on the safety of experiment, how to make reports, how t analyse data on materials properties Learn about the fundamental knowledge on the experiment risk, safty etc.
Class 3 Environmental materials experiments 1: preparation and evaluation of photocatalyst materials Learn about the preparationa dnevaluation of photocatalyst materials
Class 4 Environmental materials experiments 2: evaluation of potential of the prepared photocatalyst materials Learn about the data management on the functionality of photocatalyst
Class 5 Sensitivity materials experiments 1: coloration of glass Learn about coloration mechanism and its evaluation method
Class 6 Sensitivity materials experiments 2: colors of glaze Learn about the color of glaze
Class 7 Sensitivity materials experiments 3: preparatio of color specimens using glasses and glazes Learn about the sysnthesis method of glaze
Class 8 Sensitivity materials experiments 4: evaluation of color specimens using glasses and glazes Learn about the measurement technique to evakuate color of glass and glaze
Class 9 Advanced experimnent 1: Planning and check of the advanced experiments Make plans for advanced experiment.
Class 10 Advanced experimnent 2: presentation and discussion of the plan of the advanced experiments Presentation of the advanced experiment plan
Class 11 Advanced experimnent 3: group experimnent (preparation of glaze) Preparation of materials
Class 12 Advanced experimnent 4: group experimnent (test of glaze) Evaluation of the prepared materials
Class 13 Advanced experimnent 5: group experimnent (preparation of specimens using glaze and evaluation of their color) Preparation of samples using the prepared materials, and their evaluation
Class 14 Advanced experimnent 6: group work (data analisys and arrange, and discussion for presentation data management, discussion and making graph and illustaration for the presentation
Class 15 Advanced experimnent 6: group presentation Presentation of the advanced experimet results


Experiment textbook is provided.

Reference books, course materials, etc.

Textbook of "Seramikku kiso-koza1 seramikku jikkenn(Uchida-rokaku-ho)" is recommended as the refeence book. Printed documents are distributed.

Assessment criteria and methods

Students are requested to join and carry out all the experiments, and do the proposed tasks to judge their knowledge on the experiments and ceramics.

Related courses

  • MAT.C205 : Introduction of Ceramics
  • MAT.P215 : Inorganic Chemistry
  • MAT.P204 : Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Students are recommended to learn about the fundamental knowlegde on ceramic materials in 1st or 2nd year.

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