2016 Introduction to Information Systems

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Academic unit or major
Undergraduate major in Industrial Engineering and Economics
Iijima Junichi 
Class Format
Media-enhanced courses
Day/Period(Room No.)
Mon7-8(W934)  Thr7-8(W934)  
Course number
Academic year
Offered quarter
Syllabus updated
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Course description and aims

In our department, we have been fostering students who can utilize ICT from users' viewpoint, more concretely, to have a vision to utilize ICT which supports business activities from the viewpoint of Enterprise Engineering. The discipline in which researches and education are on how to utilize ICT from users' viewpoint is called Information Systems. The goal of the course is to provide fundamental knowledge and skill on the subject.

In this course, we explain firstly what Systems Theoretic Weltanschauung is. Then we provide basic principle on how and why computer can process data using simulation for a virtual CPU. Finally, we explain some internal descriptions for input-output system and Enterprise Ontology that is the basis for Enterprise Information Systems.

Systems Theoretic Weltanschauung is twofold. One is emergent property and the other is structural similarity. Students are supposed to learn both of the viewpoints.

Student learning outcomes

Students will be able to lean Systems Theoretic Weltanschauung focusing not on laws but hidden mechanism for a given phenomena based not on Reductionism but Holism.
In addition, they will be able to understand why and how computation in computers is being handled. They are also be able to understand internal representation of input-output system.


system, model, simulation, information systems, emergent property, structural similarity

Competencies that will be developed

Specialist skills Intercultural skills Communication skills Critical thinking skills Practical and/or problem-solving skills

Class flow

Interactive lecture

Course schedule/Required learning

  Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 System, Model and Simulation Download Anylogic PLE(Personal Learning Edition) before Class 2.
Class 2 Emergent Property
Class 3 Structural Similarity
Class 4 Logical Thinking
Class 5 Structure of Argument
Class 6 Principle of Computer Download CASL2 Visible Inside 5.5 before Class 7 .
Class 7 Representation of Data
Class 8 Representation of Instructions
Class 9 Programming Fundamentals (1)
Class 10 Programming Fundamentals (2)
Class 11 State Representation
Class 12 Acceptor Representation and Formal Language
Class 13 Discrete Event System
Class 14 Discrete Event System
Class 15 Enterprise Information Systems and Enterprise Engineering


Handout will be provided based on reference books.

Reference books, course materials, etc.

[1]L.フォン・ベルタランフィ著、長野敬他訳, 『一般システム理論―その基礎・発展・応用』, みすず書房, 1973.
[2] N.ウィーナー著, 池原止戈夫他訳, 『サイバネティックス――動物と機械における制御と通信』, 岩波文庫, 2011.
[3] W.R.Ashby, An Introduction to Cybernetics, Filiquarian Legacy Publishing, 2012.
[4] J.ノルト, D.ロハティン著, 加地大介訳, 『現代論理学(Ⅰ)』, オーム社, 1995.
[5] 野矢茂樹, 『新版 論理トレーニング (哲学教科書シリーズ)』, 産業図書, 2006.
[6] 高原康彦,飯島淳一,『システム理論』,共立出版社、1990.
[7] 広瀬 健、『帰納的関数』, 共立出版社、1989.
[8] J.ホップクロフト他著、野崎昭弘他訳、『オートマトン 言語理論 計算論〈1〉』, サイエンス社, 2003.
[9] 飯島淳一, 『DEMO-企業活動の骨格を可視化するモデリング方法論』, NTT出版, 2014.

Assessment criteria and methods

Test 40%
Final exam 60%

Related courses

  • IEE.A203 : Mathematical Engineering

Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)

Fundamental Knowledge on Set Theory (including set, set operation, relation, function)

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