Applied Organometallic Chemistry

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Tanaka Masato 
Lecture2  Exercise0  Experiment0
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Fall Semester

Outline of lecture


1.Introduction: History, application and research trends
2.General properties of transition metal organometallic complexes (竇): Electron counting, 18-electron rule, and oxidation state
3.General properties of transition metal organometallic complexes (竇。): Bonding, structure and coordination number
4.General properties of transition metal organometallic complexes (竇「): Classification and the nature of ligands and effect of complexation
5.Reactivity of transition metal organometallic compounds (竇): Oxidative addition and reductive elimination
6.Reactivity of transition metal organometallic compounds (竇。): Insertion reaction, direct attack to the ligand, and other reactivities
7.Homogeneous catalysis of practical importance (竇): Addition reactions such as hydroformylation, hydrosilylation, hydrocyanation and polymerization
8.Homogeneous catalysis of practical importance (竇。): Substituion reactions such as Wacker process, cross-coupling and Heck reaction
9.Recent research trends in homogeneous catalysis (竇): C-H and C-C bond activation
10.Recent research trends in homogeneous catalysis (竇。): Asymmetric catalysis
11.Main group metal organometallics
12.Inorganometallic chemistry
13.Organometallics in materials science (竇): Strucural metarials
14.Organometallics in materials science (竇。): Electronic, and optoelectronic applications

Purpose of lecture


Plan of lecture

1.Introduction: History, application and research trends
2.General properties of transition metal organometallic complexes (I) :Electron counting, 18-electron rule, and oxidation state
3.General properties of transition metal organometallic complexes (II) :Bonding, Structure and coordination number
4.General properties of transition metal organometallic complexes (III) :Classification and the nature of ligands and effect of complexation
5.Reactivity of transition metal organometallic compounds (I) :Oxidative addition and reductive elimination
6.Reactivity of transition metal organometallic compounds (II) :Insertion reaction, direct attack to the ligand, and other reactivities
7.Homogeneous catalysis of practical importance (I) :Addition reactions such as hydroformylation, hydrosilylation, hydrocyanation and polymerization
8.Homogeneous catalysis of practical importance (II) :Substituion reactions such as Wacker process, cross-coupling and Heck reaction
9.Recent research trends in homogeneous catalysis (I) :C-H and C-C bond activation
10.Recent research trends in homogeneous catalysis (II) :Asymetric catalysis
11.Main group metal organometallics
12.Inorganometallic chemistry
13.Organometallics in materials science (I) : Strucural metarials
14.Organometallics in materials science (II) : Electronic and optoelectronic applications

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