Learning from Japanese Environmental Problems

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Murayama Takehiko  Ishikawa Tadaharu  Gonzales Hazel Bantolino  Iwamoto Yougaku 
Lecture1  Exercise0  Experiment0
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Fall Semester

Outline of lecture

Japan has a history of rapid economic growth accompanied with serious environmental problems in its industrialization since the Meiji era. After in severe situation especially in 1950s to 1970s, Japan could resolve major environmental pollution problems with big efforts of national and local governments, industries and civil society. For instances, air and water pollution problems caused by factories have been resolved in various aspects. But Japan still has problems to create a sustainable society. The history of Japan in this area will be illustrated and the lessons from these would be discussed.

Purpose of lecture

We are ready to provide the materials on japanese experiences of serious environmental problems. We will explain how japan could solve such issues.

Plan of lecture

After the outline of this lecture,we will refer to the relationship between civilization and the environment, and then we will take some concrete well-known examples such as Ashio Copper Mine Case, Minamata desease and so on. Next we will talk about the solid waste management, impact assessment and planning. Finally we will talk about Environmental Ethics.

Textbook and reference

Theo Collborn,Dianne Dumanoski,and John Peterson Myers: Our Stolen Future
Rachel Carson: Silent Spring
Donella H.Meadows,Dennis L.Meadows,Jorgen Randera,and William W.Behrens竇「シ啜he Limits to Growth
Garrett Hardin : Lifeboat Ethics

Related and/or prerequisite courses

Japanese Culture and Society (No 94094)
Ethics for Scientists and Engineers (No 99408)


attendance 50%
small report 50%

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