ビジネス情報システムプロジェクト   Business Information Systems Project


妹尾 大 
講義:2  演習:0  実験:0


The overall objectives of this course are to investigate the nature and techniques of business
information system development project. In a real field, IS (Information Systems) Managers
(e.g. designers or developers) who enable to operate an organization successfully in changing
environments. Their roles are to identify the core systems’ ideas, problems, and opportunities
and to synthesize new solutions in the multiple organizations and complex digital societies.
To address these issues, this class is designed for master students as a project-based learning,
focusing on business information systems project (BISP). During this course, we will deal with
two parts. The one is ‘generating systems core concepts’, and the other is ‘developing the core
systems concepts in order to discover new business-design opportunities’. In the first part,
we will cover a variety methods for generating the core systems concepts. In particular, you will
learn the relationships between methods and ideas for identifying information system project’s
targets and benefits based on a customer-centered view. In the second part, we will develop
the identified business informaiton systems concepts for discovering new business-design
In order to do this, we will use three major activities in the class: (1) lecture with reading and
discussion, (2) in-class exercises and presentation, and (3) studio project sessions. The reading
and discussion sessions are assigned in order to increase your knowledge about the relevant
issues. The in-class exercises and presentation will characterize how you can productively use
specific techniques and tools presented this course. During the studio sessions, you will learn
tangible techniques to organize a problem-solving on business information systems project.
Throughout the course, you will learn how you can identify business project ideas, problems,
opportunities, and solutions based on two cycles: 1) generating systems core concepts; and 2)
developing the core systems concepts in order to discover new business-design opportunities.


The overall objectives of this course are to investigate the nature and techniques of business
information system development project.


see the schedule page.


Printed material




Participation (attendance, comments and discussions in class) 20%
Group Performance 40%
Peer Reviews 40%


Unexcused absences will not be permitted. In the event something should come up that will
necessitate your missing class, please let me know by e-mail in advance and we can discuss
excusing your absence. Unexcused absences will result in the reduction of your overall grade
by a full letter grade, as will chronic tardiness. Please come to class on time.

All students in this course are expected to adhere to university standards of academic integrity.
Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course.
This includes, but is not limited to, turning in written work that was prepared by someone other
than you, and making minor modifications to the work of someone else and turning it in as your
own. Ignorance will not be permitted as an excuse. If you are not sure whether something you
plan to submit would be considered either cheating or plagiarism, it is your responsibility to ask
for clarification. When your name appears on a group product for a class, you are responsible for
the integrity of the work, even if you did not personally write the offending material.
