Principles of International Co-existence

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Hirose Sachio  Fujimoto Mitsuru  Yamamoto Junji  Kawasaki Takao 
Lecture2  Exercise0  Experiment0
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Spring Semester

Outline of lecture

Engineers sometimes encounter difficult ethical problems. In case that you would work together with any people abroad, we should know about culture, custom, and regulations of their own as well as technology that you learn.
In this lecture, we look into the relationship between others and us in the different levels of individual, races, corporations and nations. Examples of international co-existence is proposed by a couple of lecturers and discussed.

Purpose of lecture

Engineers sometimes encounter difficult ethical problems. In case that you would work together with any people abroad, we should know about culture, custom, and regulations of their own as well as technology that you learn.
In this lecture, we look into the relationship between others and us in the different levels of individual, races, corporations and nations. Examples of international co-existence is proposed by a couple of lecturers and discussed.

Plan of lecture

1. Introduction (Hirose)
2. Globalization of Japanese Business
3. Case study in China, Entry and ExitシKawasakiシ
4. Case-study in Malaysia and Vietnam

5. Intercultural communication skill, Key for success
6. Religions: different world-views and life-tiles
7. Religions: co-existence of mutually exclusive claims
8. Jubilee: an old religious paradigm for social co-existence
9. Alternatively on July 3
10. Alternatively on July 10

11. New Page in US History(1) (2 lectures intensively)
12 New Page in US History(2) (2 lectures intensively)
13. Discussion
14. Summary

Textbook and reference


Related and/or prerequisite courses

English Fluency


Class attendance (30%), Class Contribution (20%) and Report (50%)

Comments from lecturer

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