Electronic Materials A

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Nakagawa Shigeki 
Lecture2  Exercise0  Experiment0
Syllabus updated
Lecture notes updated
Fall Semester

Outline of lecture

Electronic and magnetic properties of solids are lectured based on quantum mechanics and solid state physics.
Beginning with fundamentals of quantum mechanics, perturbation theories are given as some approximation methods. These will be applied to electromagnetic radiation and energy band theory. Fundamentals of transportation, scattering and diffraction of waves and particles in solids are mentioned. Fundamental theories of magnetic properties, spin dependent phenomenon and superconductivity will be lectured. Exercises are carried out during the classes to help understanding.

Purpose of lecture

Fundamentals of quantum mechanics, perturbation theories are given as methods to understand fundamentals of transportation, scattering and diffraction of waves and particles in solids. Fundamental theories of magnetic properties, spin dependent phenomenon and superconductivity will be lectured for the better understanding of the materials which are used in the field of current and future electronics and electrical engineering.

Plan of lecture

01. Fundamentals of quantum physics (Review)
02. Time independent perturbation theory - non-degenerate and degenerate system -
03. Time dependent perturbation theory
04. Radiation and absorption of photon
05. Fundamental of energy band theory
06. Scattering and diffraction of waves and particles
07. Introduction of superconductivity
08. Josephson's junction & SQUID
09. Magnetic ordering phenomena
10. Magnetic anisotropy
11. Magnetic domain and magnetization process
12. Spin-dependent phenomenon and spintronic devices

Textbook and reference

R.P.Feynman, R.Leighton, M.Sands, ``Feynman Lectures on Physics,'' Addison-Wesley.
L.I.Schiff, ``Quantum Mechanics,'' McGraw-Hill.
C.Kittel, ``Introduction to Solid State Physics,'' John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
H.Ibach and H.Lute, ``Solid-State Physics,'' Springer-Verlag.
Soshin Chikazumi, ``Physics of Ferromagnetism,'' Second Edition, Oxford U.P. 1997, Japanese Edition, SYOKABO
Others may be specified as the need arises

Related and/or prerequisite courses

Knowledge of fundamentals on quantum mechanics.


Evaluation will be based on the exercises done in classes and a term end examination.

Comments from lecturer

Exercises are carried out during the classes to help understanding.


[Office hours]
Anytime you can visit my office after getting permission by e-mail at

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