パフォーマンスワークショップB   Performance Workshop B


Elaine Hudson 
講義:0  演習:2  実験:0
後期  /  推奨学期:2,4,6,8


This course is designed to give students an understanding of the vocal and physical skills involved in delivering a successful presentation. Students will develop techniques to handle performance anxiety, give themselves authority, a confident posture and expressive voice. Focus will be on clear and dynamic direct address. Skills learnt will assist students to adapt to a range of communication contexts.


To provide students with the tools to successfully unlock physical and vocal tensions that interfere with good delivery. To encourage students to develop an awareness of personal communication styles and identify strengths and weaknesses. To provide a learning atmosphere that allows the students the freedom to explore chosen subject matter creatively with empathy, imagination and a sense of fun. To direct students to structure their presentations clearly for optimum communication of desired message and to maintain a balance between direct address and visual aids. To give the students the confidence to apply their skills in formal and informal situations.


【Wednesday October 10】9-10限
Introduction to course - aims and objectives.
Copies of The Face of Jizo (「父と暮らせば」) by Inoue Hisashi will be handed out. This will form the basis of the group presentations.
Introduction to exercises designed to focus attention on physical and vocal aspects of successful delivery of presentations. These will include:
- Relaxation techniques – breathing, stretches and self-awareness
- Body review to facilitate conscious awareness of unconscious tensions
- Body work – developing a relaxed and stable posture
- Exercises to free the breath and develop support and stamina
- Breath into sound –developing vocal strength and flexibility
- Movement with music to free sound and explore meaning
- Use of gesture, eye contact, etc.
【Saturday October 13】10:00-18:00
Further exploration of techniques for relaxation, breathing and vocal expressiveness. Discussion of voice production.
Structuring a group presentation – students will choose a favourite subject/interest. After a short preparation period, students will shape material into a group presentation. Emphasis will be on spontaneity, personal style and the group dynamic.
GROUP PRESENTATION – first read of The Face of Jizo by Inoue Hisashi. Discussion of themes. Assigning of research areas and roles within the group.
Discussion of possible visuals, music, sound. Length of presentation: 30 minutes.
【Wednesday October 17】9-10限
Warm-Up based on body/breath/voice work
Words and Pictures – short individual presentation based on personal/family photographs. Theme to be chosen by student according to personal interest. Subjects might include: childhood, school days, holidays, sport, hobbies, relatives, travel, a moment in time. Time: 5 – 10 minutes
【Saturday October 20】10:00-18:00
Warm-up based on body/breath/voice work
Viewing and evaluation of a range of talks sourced from online sites
Second stage of work on The Face of Jizo – students to present findings based on their research areas.
Structuring material with emphasis on introduction, logical sequence, lucid and purposeful conclusion and transitions
Discussion of role of visual aids in the presentation. Choices to be made from students' research findings.
Rehearsal of presentation
【Wednesday October 24】9-10限
Warm-up based on body/breath/voice work
Short individual presentation based on students' chosen field of study. This is an opportunity for students to use their presentation skills to communicate effectively sometimes highly technical information from their professional areas.
Time: 10 minutes.
【Saturday October 27】10:00-18:00
Warm-Up based on body/breath/voice work
Full rehearsal of group presentations
Group presentation with invited guests
Spoken reflection on experience over workshop days




10月3日(水)12:20~ 大岡山キャンパス西9号館 W935講義室


Your grade for the course will be based on your participation in workshops. Emphasis in grading is placed on attendance, enthusiasm and creative effort.


