Topics on Japan II 英語で学ぶ日本事情II   Topics on Japan II


佐藤 由利子 
講義:1  演習:1  実験:0
前期  /  推奨学期:5


Through this course, regular students (Japanese and Int'l) and exchange students from overseas partner universities are expected to deepen their understanding of Japan and the Japanese society in comparison with other countries through lectures, discussions and presentations. All classes will be conducted in English.
While Topics on Japan (TOJ)I, starting from October, deals with basic knowledge of Japan and the Japanese society, TOJ II aims at deepening students' understanding further, by dealing with topics such as economy, politics, esthetics and gender. In the last part of the course, students are expected to explore the characteristics of Japan and the Japanese society themselves by making presentations on 'Discovery of Japan'.
Class participants are encouraged to exchange with the classmates of different nationalities from theirs and to understand other values and cultures than their own.
Please challenge and enjoy this course!


Through this course, regular students (Japanese and Int'l) and exchange students from overseas partner universities are expected to deepen their understanding of Japan and Japanese society in comparison with other countries through lectures, discussions and presentations.
In the last part of the course, students are expected to explore the characteristics of Japan and the Japanese society themselves by making presentations on 'Discovery of Japan'.
Expected learning outcomes:
1.To let students deepen their understanding of Japan and the Japanese society
2.To let them understand the other people’s way of seeing things (different values and cultures)
3.To let them notice their own way of seeing things
4.To let them extend their human network by making friends through the course


Contents (tentative schedule, all classes will be conducted in English)
1.April 6: Introduction to the course. Self-introduction of class participants. Economic Development of Japan
2.April 13:Economic Development of Japan
3.April 20: Economic Development of Japan
4.April 27: Politics and economy in Japan
5.May 4: No class (national holiday)
6.May 11: No class (Friday’s class on this day)
7.May 18: Traditional culture of Japan
8.May 25: Gender situation in Japan
9.June 1: No class (lecturer’s official trip)
10.June 8: Presentation: Discovery of Japan ①②
11.June 15: Presentation: Discovery of Japan ③④
12.June 22: Japanese esthetics (guest lecturer)
13.June 29: Presentation: Discovery of Japan ⑤⑥
14.July 6: Presentation: Discovery of Japan ⑦⑧
15.July 13: Presentation: Discovery of Japan ⑨⑩
16.July 20: Wrap up discussion on ‘Charms and disagreeable points of Japan’, exploring the reason why it is so and why you feel so.


Teaching Materials and presentation requirement: There is no specific text in this course. Some references will be introduced during the course according to the topics.


Condition for taking this course: If the number of regular students exceeds the number of exchange students, selection of participants will be conducted based on their motivation and English abilities. Participating students are expected to make presentations and write reports in English.


Evaluation: Regular class attendance and positive participation in the discussion are highly expected. Class participation 39%, cultural activity 8%, presentation 15%, reports 38%
1. Class attendance: attendance is expected at all class meetings. Those who come to the class 30 minutes after the start of the class or leave it 30 minutes before the end of the class will obtain only half of the attendance points.
2. Cultural activity: Students are requested to participate in at least one of the cultural activities: tea ceremony, Kabuki for beginners, or visit to the Japan Open-Air Folk House Museum.
3. Presentation: In the last part of the course, a group of exchange and regular students will make a presentation on‘Discovery of Japan’, assuming they are special correspondents dispatched from some international media to feature an interesting topic on Japan. They have to choose a topic, explore the background of the phenomena and compile a presentation by themselves. Presentation will be done in front of the other students and guest audience, followed by Q & A session.
4. Report:
1) Topic:‘Charms and disagreeable points of Japan in comparison with other countries’
2) Length: from 600 to 1000 words in English.
3) Deadline: July 25th midnight (Late submission will decrease your report points. Please keep the deadline.)
4) Style: Please note that you have to write your name, country and student number in the first page of your report.
5) Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. If such an act is found, you will obtain no points for your report.
6) Submission: Please hand the report to the teacher in the class or send it to her by e-mail as an attached file. When you send your report by e-mail, she will send you the confirmation of its receipt. If you don't receive the confirmation within a week, you are requested to contact her again since the report might be missing. Please bring your report to her office (#206 of West 1 Bldg.) or call her (03-5734-3524, fax is the same number) in that case.


Please challenge and enjoy this course!


Contact of the lecturer: Room 206, West 1 Bldg., O-okayama (ex.3524)
Office hours: Wed. 13:30-17:00 and by appointment
