ダンスシアターワークショップ   Dancetheatre Workshop


SASPORTES JEAN LAURENT  Sasportes Jean Laurent 
講義:1  演習:1  実験:0
前期  /  推奨学期:1,3,5,7


 This course is designed to give students insight into both the theory and practice of modern dance. Works from the repertory of Pina Bausch and other important creators of modern dance will be analyzed and discussed in detail, to determine the elements that go into them. The workshopping and the lectures will be integrated so that students can further understand the spirit and performance of dance. Students will be expected to create short sequences of dance theatre choreography based on what they have heard and seen.


 This course is designed to give students insight into both the theory and practice of modern dance. Works from the repertory of Pina Bausch and other important creators of modern dance will be analyzed and discussed in detail, to determine the elements that go into them. The workshopping and the lectures will be integrated so that students can further understand the spirit and performance of dance. Students will be expected to create short sequences of dance theatre choreography based on what they have heard and seen.


 The subject of my course will be focussed on the following points:
- The concept of circulation of energy in body movements and practice.
- The concept of beauty and accuracy in relation with form, space, motion and timing in the matter of dance and performing art and practice.
- From Modern dance to Dancetheatre, from abstract language to “suggestive“ expression.
- Dancetheatre, a non rational suggestion to dream and reflexion; discover of a non-verbal language following open and flexible syntax rules.
- Choreographic composition in moderndance and in Dancetheatre, and practice.
- about the ability to adapt yourself to the non expected (improvisation and spontaneous composition) and practice. The artist creator, as well as the scientist searcher needs to keep an open mind to be able to compose with the unexpected; keep curiosity alive.
- Kinomichi, an art of movement to develop a constructive sensibility to group work and collaboration, and practice.




次の説明会に出席し、レポートを書いて受講が認められたものが申告できる。4月8日(水)12:45~、大岡山キャンパス西9号館 W935講義室


 Assessment will be based on performance, ability, reports and class participation.


 This workshop is open to any student who is interested in body language, its utilisation in moderndance, dancetheatre and performing art, as well as willing to develop his artistical sensivity with the goal to find an application in the world of Science.


推奨学期:1,3,5,7 連絡先:世界文明センター(内線3892)
